Gábor Városi - Stories, Artworks, Artistic periods

16 Who is Gábor Városi? There is no inherited family wealth behind him, no political support – he truly is a self-made man. Should you try to learn anything about him by looking at his friends, you’ll soon realize that the wisdom of birds of a feather… seems to be off in his case: I have been amazed for decades at how heterogeneous his company is. I can account for leading contemporary artists, but influential bankers, stock market gurus, world-class surgeons, producers, political prophets, lobbyists, modern-day heroes, financiers, and ministers pass through his place. And Coelho himself, to up the ante even more. The surface will tell you little of what goes on in the deep. I find – and perhaps after leafing through the pages of this book, you will also agree – that he is a sensitive, creative artist struggling with family tragedies, adapting to the everchanging current reality, and propelling himself towards seemingly unattainable new goals. He is either a madman or more brilliant than all of us. He dives into projects that no architect would dare to do. Some directions no sculptor would take, he will bring those to life. He paints as no one else would. He lives as no one else dares. Nothing is too big; nothing is too expensive. He will walk to the very edge and not fall off. He will laugh, looking back at us. Tamás Nagy