Gábor Városi - Stories, Artworks, Artistic periods

80 The difference in habitus is even more apparent when you ask them about the history of Zen Studios. Zsolt will hold a presentation on why he invested in this industry as a financial professional (no ceiling of profit) and on costbenefit analysis. He will also discuss the initial search for a way forward, typical of most start-ups and usually leading to imminent bankruptcy. A pin-point process analysis, not particularly entertaining for outsiders. — On the flight to Havana, we wanted to make the best gaming company in the world, one where the movement of the characters is not chunky, and if you zoom in on the background vegetation, it turns out to actually be marijuana! — counters Gábor, smiling. — Then, by the time we figured out what to do and how to do it in a given market and in a given period, we were bled dry financially to the point where we had to bring in private means to survive — says Zsolt, remaining rational, — and there was a pretty big risk in that.